Tyler Gilmore

Tyler Gilmore, MAT, ATC

CEO, Founder


Ty brings to Leadership Mindset almost 15 years of experience working in all different aspects of leadership. From working direct medical oversight for sports teams, to helping manage private practice clinics. Ty has found himself working in management roles in areas such as marketing and outreach, personnel management, human resources, operations and practice administration. Ty specializes in one on one leadership coaching as well as working with teams of leaders to identify strengths and get people into their most effective roles. Ty uses techniques and strategies focused around individuals behavior patterns and emphasis foundational aspects of leadership. 

Ty credits the mentors and business leaders that he has had the opportunity to work for and alongside of for the success and professional development throughout his career. Ty strongly believes it is our obligation to pay it forward and take all these experiences, both successes and failures, and pour into aspiring leaders. He has a passion and strong focus on helping to coach and develop leaders to become successful within their fields. 

For enjoyment outside of the business world, Ty enjoys spending time with his wife Melissa and two kids, Brooklyn and Colton. He is always up for a good adventure, whether that is overlanding backcountry trails or tackling a DIY house project. During the summer you will find him and the family at the lake spending time on the water and for the winter months they love to escape to Central Oregon for some relaxation and time playing in the snow!

A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don’t necessarily want to go, but ought to be.

Rosalynn Carter


Individualized Leadership Development
  • One on One mentoring 
  • Career coaching 
  • Skill set development 
  • Focused Expectations
Leadership Team Development
  • Time utilization 
  • Roles and Responsibilities allocation 
  • Needs assessments 
  • Compliance
Business Operations
  • Growth strategy 
  • Staffing (ratios, efficiencies, assessment of need)
  • Contract review 
  • Staff management 
  • Management structure
Personnel Management and Logistics
  • Schedules 
  • Benchmarking 
  • Accountability 
  • Trust
  • Productivity 
  • Team culture
Business Strategy
  • Strategic partnerships 
  • Marketing research
  • Networking 
  • Community Outreach
Difficult Conversations
  • Conflict Mediation 
  • Risk avoidance 
  • Creative problem solving 
  • Employee agreement negotiation
Process Implementation
  • Assessment of need 
  • Allocation of roles and responsibilities 
  • Timeline development
Change Management
  • Expectation management 
  • Clear communication strategy 
  • Accountability 
  • Metric tracking 
Metrics and Benchmarking Strategy
  • Key Performance Indicator Identification 
  • Tracking tools
  • Dashboard creation 
  • Team Huddle / Communication tools