Holly Elmore, JD

Chief Executive Officer at Childhood Health Associates of Salem


Ms. Elmore has a varied background. She began her career in the courtroom conducting trials in both the criminal and civil arenas for the Oregon Department of Justice for almost 10 years. She received a special honor from then Attorney General Hardy Myers for her ability to work with the court to manage multiple trial settings each week. During these years Ms. Elmore learned the value of communication, time management and relationship building. 

Ms. Elmore joined a medium sized medical practice in 2009 and became their Chief Executive Officer. Since that day, she has taken tremendous pleasure in creating a corporate culture that values the people above profit while still recognizing that “without a margin you have no mission.” The balance of being financially profitable while maintaining a sense of joy in work is a CEO’s greatest and most important challenge.

Holly has been happily married to Greg for over 30 years, and together they have raised two amazing children and successfully launched them into adulthood. Hooray! They enjoy hiking, kayaking, and awaiting the arrival of their new puppy, Pearl!

Hurry it up, we’re burning daylight.

John Wayne, The Cowboys


  • Health Care
  • Communication and Listening
  • Succession Planning
  • Benefits selection